My name’s Tyler Petit, and photography is something I’m passionate about. It started back in 2017 with just my iPhone, and quickly evolved into me buying my own personal camera to take with me on excursions. What began as a hobby of photographing cars, quickly turned into me going on adventures with my friends and photographing the sights we saw and the experiences we shared.

For me, photography is a way to express how I feel, and a way to capture how others feel as well. In my personal opinion, photography is a great way to evoke feelings from people; it doesn’t necessarily matter what the subject matter is, everyone will have a different reaction to it. I got my start with automotive photography by simply taking pictures of my own car, and now I enjoy landscapes, architecture, wildlife, and different types of portrait photography. 

Like any kind of art form, photography always grows and expands, and there’s always something new and cool that keeps me engaged in my work, and loving what I do. 

Even when I might be doing an outdoor photoshoot in below zero weather.